The book systematically introduces the knowledge of TCM life cultivation and rehabilitation.
This is intended for the readers to learn the theories of life cultivation and rehabilitation and to grasp the various relevant techniques of health care and rehabilitation, aiming at the goal of Longevity.
Life cultivation originally belonged to the different categories of disciplines of the two major branches of traditional Chinese and Western medical systems. The gradual formation of the system of TCM life cultivation and rehabilitation is based on the theories and practice of life cultivation and rehabilitation during the thousands of years of the Chinese people in combination with certain theories and techniques of the modern science of rehabilitation during the second half of the twentieth century.
This book is composed of seven chapters. The content includes the basic theories and concepts of life cultivation and rehabilitation of TCM, various effective methods and clinical techniques of life cultivation and rehabilitation, the measures of life cultivation and health care in the light of people groups, seasons as well as the regions of the body.
In this book cases of diseases, the names of diseases of modern medicine are used for better understanding.
The science of TCM Life Cultivation and Rehabilitation, a comprehensive practical discipline, is based on the basic theories of TCM, diagnostic techniques, drugs, and prescriptions as well as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics.
The readers can achieve overall mastery through a comprehensive study of this book in combination with a series of books employing mutual connection and consultation, e.g. Tuina, Taijiquan, etc.
Must Read book for Acupuncturists and health professionals!!!
1. The Theoretical Basis of Life Cultivation of TCM
1. Purpose, Health and longevity
2. Basis; Life and life span
3. Concept; Conforming to nature
4. Principle, Wholism and syndrome differentiation
2. Natural Therapeutic Methods of Life Cultivation and Rehabilitation
1. Regulating emotions
2. Environments, daily life and clothing
3. Life cultivation and rehabilitation with the diet
4. Health care methods in sexual life
5. Therapies with sports
6. Therapies with recreation
7. Life cultivation and rehabilitation with loutrotherapy
3. Techniques of TCM Life Cultivation and Rehabilitation
1. Acupuncture therapy
2. Massage therapy
3. External therapy
4. Nursing of TCM Rehabilitation
4. Forbidden Points for Life Cultivation and Rehabilitation
1. Abstinence from smoking and drinking
2. Abstinence from food preference
3. Abstinence from overstrain
4. Abstinence from extreme emotional activities
5. Life Cultivation in Accordance with Individual Differences
1. Constitutional cultivation
2. Life cultivation in the pregnant women
3. Health care for children
4. Health care for women
5. Health care for old people
6. Health care for mental workers
7. Health care for physical workers
8. Life cultivation for handicapped people
6. Life Cultivation in Accordance with Seasonal Conditions
1. Life cultivation in spring
2. Life cultivation in summer
3. Life cultivation in autumn
4. Life cultivation in winter
7. Health Care for Specific Regions
1. Oral health care
2. Facial health carev
3. Health care of the hair
4. Health care of the eyes
5. Health care of the ears
6. Health care of the nose
7. Health care of the extremities
8. Health care of the chest, back, waist and abdomen