Tui Na is a massage technique in acupuncture in which dull energy (qi) and blood stagnation can be removed and the acupoints are pressed that improve the free flow of energy & blood.
This type of massage is based on specific strokes. They are simple and easy to apply. The major benefit for the person who is applying this technique is that it does not require much pressure or force. So, the skilled person can easily apply in multiples.
To get mastered in this massage technique regular practice of these strokes can be useful.
In the first two chapters, the introduction, theory, and principles of this method are explained in detail.
3rd chapter consists of manipulation techniques of Tuina viz. reinforcing, reducing, etc.
Indications, caution, and contraindications are given in the 4th chapter. Before the application must read this chapter.
Tuina practitioners must be fit and suitable to perform the Tuina massage to patients. Every Tuina practitioner must follow the exercises given in the 5th chapter. These are like warm-up exercises before application. In this chapter Posture, actions, and essentials of these exercises along with posture sketches are given in detail.
The most important part of this therapy i.e. manipulation techniques/strokes is covered in detail in the 6th chapter. There are 25 commonly practiced manipulations their names, meanings, methods to operate, clinical applications, therapeutic effects, common uses, and caution everything is covered along with images.
Diagnosis is covered in chapters 9th & 10th. The 11th chapter consists of special region care viz. Head, face neck, nape, chest etc.
In the 11th chapter correlation with Zang organs is explained in detail.
The interesting part of the book is the therapeutics that is covered in chapter 12th. 25 Common conditions are covered with TCM perspective, diagnosis, and manipulation combinations.
Must Ready book for Tuina & Acupuncture practitioner.
1. Principle Actions of Tuina
2. Therapeutic Principles of Tuina
3. Reinforcement and Reduction of Tuina
4. Features of Tuina
5. Exercises for Tuina Practitioners
6. Commonly Used Tuina Manipulations
28 Manipulations
7. Compound Manipulations
13 Compound Manipulations
8. Commonly used Diagnostic Approaches in Tuina
9. Approaches of Tuina Manipulation Practice
10. Health Care for Specific Regions
11. Regulation of Five Zang Organs
12. Therapeutics
Tui Na treatment for 25 common disorders
Mitesh Dudhal
Different massage techniques. Easy to learn and practice. The book gives a clear understanding of the usage. I am thankful for the simple language used for explanation.
Giulia M.
Very interesting book. Strokes are easy but manes are tricky. Strokes are explained nicely.
Mic Dian
I am a massagist; I am using this but after reading your book it is now more interesting to use for my clients. I am impressed…