Tui Na is a massage technique in acupuncture that is used to improve the free flow of energy & blood.
This type of massage is based on specific manipulations/strokes. They are simple and easy to apply. The major benefit for the person who is applying this technique is that it does not require much pressure or force. So, the skilled person can easily apply in multiples.
In the TuiNa handbook, the brief theory is explained along with features and effects that are quick to revise.
The book mainly focuses on the manipulation methods. All the manipulation strokes are explained with their method of operation, and their uses, and a diagram of individual strokes and preauction is given.
To read the detailed theory, guidelines, warm-up exercises for practitioners, and common ailments treatment protocols refer the book “Mastering TuiNa”
1. Principle Actions of Tuina
2. Therapeutic Principles of Tuina
3. Reinforcement and Reduction of Tuina
4. Features of Tuina
5. Commonly Used Tuina Manipulations (25)
Sameer Padhye
Wow! After reading the book I am eager to learn this practically. The strokes look so soothing and must be effective as mentioned in the book. I enjoyed the book. I learned something new today…
Kartik Talreja
Such easy techniques. Anyone can learn by reading this book. But one must get trained by a professional. Thanks for sharing the knowledge in such simple words. I found his books to be very simple to understand. I read many of them…
Poonam Sethiya
This seems easy for therapists as there will not be much pressure required. The strokes are very easy names are hard to remember but