The ultimate book for Acupuncture students and practitioners. This book covers all physiological and pathological aspects of the Spleen according to TCM.
In Acupuncture, the Spleen is a lifeline of the body. One must understand its functions and how to preserve its energy for longevity. All functions and connections with other organs as per TCM are well framed in this book.
The author has discussed briefly how the deterioration of spleen energy can affect bodily functions and its consequences in terms of different symptoms and how to treat them according to the Classical theory of Acupuncture. The pathomechanism of the Spleen dysfunctions is well explained with flow charts for better understanding.
Prevention and Treatments are both covered under one roof. 20 different Patterns of the Spleen as per TCM are covered with treatment protocols. Treatment protocols are very well explained with case studies and a neat labeled diagram helps to understand the concepts. How to differentiate the syndromes based on symptoms according to the classical theory of TCM Patterns is very well explained. This book not only gives us conceptual knowledge but also gives guidelines to preserve the spleen's energy.
It is a must-read book!!
Part 1 - Physiology of the Spleen
1. Physiology of the Spleen
Part 2 - Pathology of Spleen
2. Pathology of Spleen Disease
Section 1 - Spleen Deficiency
3. Spleen Deficiency
4. Spleen Qi Deficiency
5. Spleen Yang Deficiency
6. Spleen Yin Deficiency
Section 2 - Spleen Excess
7. Spleen Excess
8. Spleen Qi Stagnation
9. Spleen Fire
Section 3 – Yin Fire
10 Yin Fire
Part 3 - Spleen Patterns
11. Spleen Patterns
Points to Remember
Glossary of terms
Sudarshan Das
What an Excellent book. The book is so very informative. After reading this book I realized the Spleen organ is so much important. This is an advanced-level book for acupuncture professionals. Must read the book!
Fernando Arhancet
A well-written book. Root cause based is covered and all the patterns of Spleen are neatly explained. I am looking forward to reading more on the other organs as well…
Sidharth Gandhi
The book is simply amazing. Worth spending the book. The professionals whose approach to addressing the root cause and who want to understand the reason behind it only can go for this book. Don’t expect ready treatments. Even though it’s their understanding the the cause is the aim of the author and which is conveyed very well. I must appreciate the efforts and the knowledge of the author. Thanks for the book.