This is a handbook of auriculotherapy. Only point location diagrams are incorporated with alphabetical point indexing.
Ear acupuncture is the oldest branch of acupuncture. It is also known as Auriculotherapy. All the organs are in the ear. There are different schools of thought in ear acupuncture. Here in this book, the Chinese Auriculotherapy points are labeled with diagrams.
The points diagrams are given, to refer to any time before or during the treatment for precise point locations. These points are divided as per the systems viz. locomotor system, Internal organs, Endocrine, Nervous system, specific points, functional points, etc.
The Alphabetical Point Index is given for easy referral. To understand the principles, theory, and diagnosis of auriculotherapy then refer to the books “Mastering Auriculotherapy” & “Manual of Auriculotherapy”
Ear Points on different parts of the ear
1. Helix
2. Antihelix
3. Triangular Fossa
4. Lobe
5. Cymba Concha
6. Cavum Concha
7. Tragus Exterior
8. Tragus Interior
9. Antitragus Exterior
10. Antitragus Interior
11. Scaphoid Fossa
12. Posterior Ear
13. Points of Endocrine System
14. Points of Nervous System
15. Representation of Cortex on Ear
16. Points of Cranial Nerves
17. Points of Spinal Nerves
18. Specific Points
19. Specific Lines
20. Specific Areas
21. Specific Triangles
22. Specific Grooves
23. Functional Points
24. Alphabetical Index Functional Points
Nishita Dhawal
Simple and handy book. Easy to carry anywhere. I like this handbook.
Dinesh Bajaj
Summarized content with only diagrams. Best book very handy.
Vidisha Goyalani
Thanks, doctor for realizing this handbook. To carry a big book every time is not possible. This is the best solution to it.