The book Scalp Acupuncture is based on the Chinese Scalp theory. There are different schools of Acupuncture. However, I found great success in neurological disorders with this style of acupuncture.
Scalp acupuncture is an acupuncture branch where the areas are plotted on the scapular region of the brain, which works for neurological conditions. It improves brain functions and gives brain signals to specific organs for faster recovery.
Scalp acupuncture is an advanced and skillful practice as it is connected to the brain. So, one has to understand the theory and locations of the areas. In acupuncture, the points are located and needled on those specific points. But in Scalp acupuncture the area is mapped and acupuncture needles are inserted in that area, not on the points.
Book covers, the history of the Scalp Acupuncture, its effects, and scope.
In the book, areas are explained along with location, diagram, and the efficacy of the treatments. For example, the Motor area, the Tremor- chorea area, the FMSA area, the balance area, etc. Diagrams of individual areas and the combined area diagram help to understand the location even better.
The interesting part of the book is case studies. Successful case studies are presented along with treatment protocols. A must-read book for those who want to expand their practice in neurological conditions.
Section 1 – Theory and Technique of Scalp Acupuncture
1. Introduction
2. Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology of the Scalp
3. Location and Indication of Areas
1. Motor area
2. Sensory Area
3. Chorea and Tremor Area
4. Vascular Dilation and Constriction Area (Vasomotor Area)
5. Vertigo and Hearing Area
6. Speech I Area
7. Speech II Area
8. Speech III Area
9. Praxis Area (Usage Area, Application Area)
10. Vision Area
11. Balance Area
12. Foot Motor and Sensory Area
13. Head Area
14. Stomach Area (Gastric Area)
15. Thoracic Cavity Area
16. Liver and Gallbladder Area
17. Reproductive Area
18. Large Intestine Area
4. Scalp Acupuncture Techniques
5. Contraindications and Precautions
Section 2 - Therapeutics
6. Paralysis
7. Pain
8. Aphasia
9. Sense Organ Disorders
10. Male and Female Disorders
11. Neuropsychological Disorders
Mihir Gupta
Excellent book. Precise location descriptions and case examples.
Ramesh Chawla
A lot of Scalp literature is available, and everywhere same diagrams are used but this book has its own created diagrams which make it easier to understand the subject.
Sarika Raut
Simple and easy to learn the subject. Doctor, you’re simply great!