Facial acupuncture is a branch of acupuncture holistically used for facial rejuvenation. Through facial acupuncture treatment, we can slow down the aging process of your face. The face can look younger and glow naturally.
The face is a mirror of our health and emotions, with each part reflecting different organ systems and feelings. Before age 25, the face reflects genetic constitution, but from 25 to 50, your lifestyle and habits influence your facial map. After 50, the face exhibits a state of health.
Facial acupuncture aims to restore internal balance and combat signs of aging. External signs of aging stem from internal imbalances like hormone issues and organ dysfunction, as well as repetitive emotional expressions that create lines and wrinkles.
For instance, after many nights of poor sleep; puffiness and dark circles are likely to show up under the eyes. Similarly, years of scrunching eyebrows inward because of frustration or intense concentration will create lines between the eyes.
The way facial acupuncture operates is by puncturing the skin using small dermal needles, which creates "positive" micro-traumas that enhance facial circulation, and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin for skin tightening. Facial acupuncture is the ultimate anti-aging treatment because it balances our internal systems while simultaneously boosting the health and appearance of the skin, with no side effects.
Facial Laser acupuncture (Read More) is the innovative technique that achieves rejuvenation. This treatment uses a laser beam to insert light energy into cells, stimulating collagen, improving pores, reducing pigmentation, and minimizing wrinkles. Its safety and long-lasting effects make this treatment well-known. The outcome is a rejuvenated appearance, improved skin texture, a balanced skin tone, and minimized pores.
At Panacea Point, our specialized and experienced professionals tailor all our treatment programs to meet individual skin requirements. Our specialized and experienced professionals design each program with utmost care for your skin's well-being. All our treatments are safe, natural, non-invasive, affordable, and provide long-lasting results.
Experience a transformative skincare journey with our range of advanced treatment programs.
Collagen repair is achieved through laser acupuncture techniques, stimulating collagen production to unveil the youthful skin hidden beneath the surface.
Treat yourself to deep cleansing, exfoliation, facial massage, and pure relaxation for an instant glow before your special event.
Our Golden Glow treatment includes thorough cleansing, exfoliation, facial massage, hydration, uplifting techniques, and a special frequency to give your skin a radiant, golden appearance. It's ideal for brides or anyone with dull skin.
Derma Needling a natural skin peeling, effectively removes dead skin cells and revitalizes your complexion by enhancing circulation, leaving your skin smooth and radiant.
Elevate your skincare routine with our laser skin resurfacing treatment for a rejuvenated, uplifted face that exudes confidence and beauty.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture's ability to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and calming the nervous system. This effect of ralaxation can positively influence fertility outcomes.
Your skin deserves the best, and we're committed to giving you significant results at Panacea Point.
It is always good to start early, before the signs of aging have taken hold. As the age progresses, the collagen declines and it involves the fighting against the aging process by stimulating collagen. Starting in the late twenties and early thirties is ideal, however, it is never too late to start because it boosts the look and health of the skin, and that is beneficial to everyone.
Facial acupuncture works in all the areas in need by stimulating Qi and blood flow throughout your face. The gentle insertion of dermal needles directly into the dermis of the skin on the face causes increased Qi and blood flow to the area.
Botulism neurotoxin (Botox) is used to reduce wrinkles and expression lines by paralyzing the muscle below the wrinkle.
Botox works to reduce the wrinkle and minimize the ability to express emotions fully on the face. Conversely, facial acupuncture reduces lines and wrinkles by increasing the tone of facial muscles.
Key advantage of facial acupuncture is that it can reduce lines and wrinkles whilst preserving the ability of the patient to use their facial muscles/make facial expressions. It can increase the production of collagen, which helps to fill lines and increase the overall skin tone of the face over a longer period.
If you are looking to rejuvenate your skin and enhance its health, look no further than Panacea Point. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward achieving radiant and healthy skin.