Mastering Auriculotherapy is a comprehensive book for Ear Acupuncture.
Ear acupuncture is the oldest branch of acupuncture. It is also known as Auriculotherapy. All the organs are mapped on the ear.
In the first two chapters, the Introduction and anatomy of the auricle are covered. And supported with labeled diagrams.
3rd & 4th chapters incorporated with auricular points their locations, and labeled diagrams. These points are divided as per the systems viz. locomotor system, Internal organs, Endocrine, Nervous system, specific points, functional points, etc.
5th chapter is based on the auricular diagnosis procedures and diagnostic guidelines are described.
6th Chapter is very important as it describes the auricular treatment techniques in detail. Manipulation, Needling techniques, Auriculo Electro-Acupuncture (AEA), Auriculo Electro Therapy (AET), tonification & sedation techniques, etc. are explained in this chapter. Easy to remember five-element perspective is given for root cause-based treatments. Precautions in auriculotherapy are covered in this chapter.
In the end, Therapeutics includes 40 readymade protocols for common ailments along with label diagrams for easy practice.
For more detailed theory, diagnosis, and 300 ready protocols please refer to the book “Manual of Auriculotherapy.”
A must-read book for acupuncture students and professionals who want to expand their scope of practice.
1. Introduction to Auriculotherapy
2. Anatomy of Auricle
3. Definition & Distribution of Auricular Points
4. Auricular Points
5. Auricular Diagnosis Procedures
6. Auriculotherapy Treatment Techniques
7. Therapeutics
Dr. Suhas Barve
This book is so amazing. Diagrams are very well presented and easy to understand the locations. I highly recommend this book to all acupuncturists and students. I eagerly waited to read the diagnosis book. I will surely post the feedback.
Avika Chabra
Excellent book! Worth spending. Simple and easy language is used that helps in self-learning. Diagrams are unique and very well-posted. Thanks, doctor for sharing the knowledge. Looking forward to reading the advanced diagnosis book.
Kim Jae
Superb! Fantastic book. Diagrams are excellent. Simple but more informative. I loved it!
Joseph F.
Great combination of ear and acupuncture. Theory and location are best. Diagrams are super good. Liked it very much.