This Book is based on the TCM theory of five elements. The five-Elements principles are fundamentals of acupuncture. This is pocket pocket-friendly book for acupuncture readers and acupuncture therapists to understand how to use the theory in daily practice.
Five elements and its cycles with day-to-day examples make this book more interesting. In this book, element's connections with organs, emotions, and their effect on the body as symptoms are very well explained along with diagrams. TCM Patterns according to five elements, an advanced study also explained well with diagrams and examples.
This book can help in understanding how to form a treatment protocol for different symptoms.
1. The Five Elements in Nature
1.1 The Five Elements as basic qualities
1.2 The Five Elements as movements
1.3 The Five Elements as stages of a seasonal cycle
1.4 The Five-Element interrelationships
1.5 The Five-Element correspondences
2. The Five Elements in Chinese Medicine
2.1 The Five Elements in physiology
2.2 The Five Elements in pathology
2.3 The Five Elements in diagnosis
2.4 The Five Elements in acupuncture treatment
2.5 The Five Elements in herbal and diet therapy
3. Identification of Patterns According to the Five Elements
3.1 Generating Sequence Patterns
3.2 Over-Acting Sequence Patterns
3.3 Insulting Sequence Patterns
4. Treatment Protocol
4.1 The law of Mother/Child, Generating Cycle and Controlling Cycle
4.2 Energy Transfer
4.3 Seasonal and Daily Treatment Cycle
Annexure 1
Annexure 2: The Five Element Points
The Five Element Points of the Yin Channels
The Five Element Points of the Yang Channels
Annexure 3: Acupuncture Point Categories