Mastering Auriculotherapy is a complete atlas of Ear acupuncture. It is an advanced diagnosis and therapeutic book.
Ear acupuncture is the oldest branch of acupuncture. It is also known as Auriculotherapy. All the organs are mapped on the ear. There are different schools of thought in ear acupuncture. Here in this book, the Chinese Auriculotherapy approach is explained.
The book aims at students and practitioners who should get a piece of detailed and precise knowledge about the subject and can get all the information under one roof.
The first three chapters in the book explain the history and anatomy of the auricle. Auricular landmarks and projections are important sections in this chapter.
4th Chapter is very important as it contains the points based on the systems. Their locations, indications, and individual point diagrams are elaborated.
The 5th, 6th & 7th chapter includes the classification of points, diagnostic methods, and manipulation techniques for diagnosis. All these are the foundation for the main diagnosis of ear acupuncture.
The detailed diagnosis is given in further chapters along with color ear images highlighting the affecting area for easy understanding. These chapters give us a clear understanding of how to diagnose past present and forthcoming conditions and further treat them with auriculotherapy.
All the ear images used in this book are of local Indian patient's color images and copyrights are reserved with the author.
Case studies are supported with TCM explanations which help acupuncture students and practitioners to understand the theory, diagnosis, and t efficacy of auriculotherapy and it can be used as an independent course of treatment.
In further chapters Indications, caution, contra-indications, and guidelines are explained well.
Principles of points selection and points selection according to functions viz. relieving function, regulating functions, tonifying functions, etc. are other important sections of the study.
The Therapeutics consists of ready treatment protocols along with labeled diagrams that can help students and practitioners expand their scope of treatments. All the treatment protocols are used and verified by the author himself.
The author has given more than 300 treatment protocols in this book. He has treated more than 20k patients with only auriculotherapy.
The treatment protocols are included with Musculoskeletal, neurological, ENT, Respiratory, gynecological, endocrinal, surgical, skin, and cosmetic treatments as well.
Must Read the book for students and practitioners who want to learn the subject in detail. A treasure of Auriculotherapy!!
1. Introduction to Auriculotherapy
2. Anatomy of Auricle
3. Definition & Distribution of Auricular Points
4. Auricular Points
5. Classification of Auricular Points
6. Auricular Diagnosis Methods
7. Manipulation in Auricular Diagnosis
8. Auricular Diagnosis
9. Treatment Methods
10. Indications & Contraindications
11. Principles of Point Selection
12. Point Selection According to Functions
13. Therapeutics
14. Appendix
List of Ear Photographs