Treatment Modules

Laser Acupuncture

Laser acupuncture is a synthesis of the rich experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is thousands of year old, and modern science. In the past century, researchers picked up acupuncture, advanced it, and made changes. The most important further development, besides ear acupuncture, is no doubt laser acupuncture, i.e., the stimulation of the acupuncture points with low-level laser light.

Laser Acupuncture is Point stimulation with light.

The mechanism by which light needles stimulate acupuncture points has two aspects:

1. Precision of the stimulus

The low-level laser can place a stimulus as precisely as a metal needle. It influences an acupuncture point via the same biophysical primary and secondary effects as bio-stimulation. This stimulus exerts its effect precisely by triggering these effects only in a narrowly defined tissue area, the acupuncture point. A stimulus results from pointed stimulation, which stands out from the normal influences of the surrounding area.

2. Reflex bio-modulation

Contrary to a metal needle, however, the biophysical effect of the laser is not only that of providing a precise stimulus. It also starts processes in the tissue which exceed this function. To put it differently, it affects the acupuncture point beyond its significance as a stimulus agent.

If we assume that a therapeutically effective acupuncture point is “active” - i.e., painful, or otherwise “conspicuous” - then the tissue is in a physiological imbalance. The laser, however, can have a direct, positive impact on it. Since acupuncture is reflex therapy, the harmonization of the reflexive expression of a disorder pattern has an additional positive impact.

Laser acupuncture offers advantages and benefits besides effects that are comparable with those of classic needle acupuncture

Metal Needle


Advantages of laser acupuncture over conventional metal needle acupuncture

  1. Short therapy duration (10-30 seconds/point).
  2. Including points like mucous membranes, wounds, and joints is possible, even though they are difficult to treat with needles.
  3. Painless and non-invasive therapy (particularly suited to treat sensitive patients, children, etc.).
  4. Used in those cases for which classical acupuncture does not recommend the use of needles (asthenia).
  5. Aseptic, no risk of infections.
  6. Can complement and extend the needle program, if additional points are required in order to optimize energy flow.
  7. Can supply therapeutic and diagnostic information (Bio-frequencies), so called “Laser Resonance Therapy”.
  8. Lasting stimulation with the Light-Needle. It seems to be even more effective than conventional needle acupuncture. Once the fiber is placed, it does not require further manipulation.
  9. Side effects and complications, such as needle fainting or vasovagal syncope, occur considerably less often with laser acupuncture. Infections and hematomas cannot occur. Beginners may also treat potentially dangerous acupuncture points. Laser acupuncture is noninvasive and traumas to the skin are impossible.
  10. The ability of the acupuncture points to respond often decreases in elderly patients. Laser acupuncture has a positive impact on degenerative tissue processes at the neurovascular bundles of acupuncture points.

About Laser Therapy