Acupuncture, a 5000-year-old science, has gained long-standing recognition as a primary healthcare system that focuses on achieving balance within the body. This ancient practice involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. In recent years, advancements such as laser acupuncture have expanded the scope of this treatment, making it a safe and effective option for a wide range of conditions. By taking a holistic approach to health and addressing the root cause of issues, acupuncture offers patients a natural and sustainable way to improve their well-being.
World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute for Health (NIH) have recognized and recommended Acupuncture treatments for many illnesses.
The Government of India has accepted “Acupuncture” as an independent system of healthcare in India.
In Maharashtra, the government passed the Acupuncture Act in 2015 and formed the Maharashtra Council of Acupuncture (MCA) in 2017 for regulating Acupuncture in Maharashtra.
Acupuncture science is based on the body’s energy, or “Qi.” It flows along the body through certain pathways that are “meridians.” By inserting thin needles into specific points along these pathways, we aim to restore the balance of Qi and promote healing. The philosophy states that illness and pain occur because of blockages or imbalances in the flow of Qi, and by using acupuncture to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities, we can clear these blockages and restore health.
Acupuncture emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It considers physical and emotional symptoms and mental well-being. Acupuncture seeks to treat the whole person rather than just disease symptoms. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, migraines, and infertility, among others.
Acupuncture has a lot of effects on the body, mind, and soul viz. homeostatic effect, tranquilizing effect, pain-relieving effects, etc.
Acupuncture treatment sessions typically last between 20-40 minutes. We may keep needles in place for several minutes. We also use techniques such as cupping or moxibustion to further stimulate the body’s healing response. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for those looking to address their health concerns naturally and holistically.
At Panacea Point, our highly trained and licensed acupuncturists provide personalized care to each patient. We work out individualized treatment plans that consider their specific health needs and goals. Through acupuncture, we aim to restore balance and harmony in the body, allowing for natural healing to take place. Our patients often experience improvements in their symptoms and overall well-being.